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"“No one believes we dated” - lesbian YouTube as a tool for Rhetorical Citizenship"


Feminist Media Studies · June 1 2023



This article explores how lesbians use YouTube to achieve rhetorical citizenship and how YouTubers use hypermediation and mediated authenticity to achieve an authentic sense of virtual community among the lesbian minority community. The paper is published in the peer-reviewed, international journal Feminist Media Studies, which has over 400,000 annual downloads and views.



"LGBTQIA+-personer står sammen mod transfobi"


Jyllands-Posten · June 28 2022



In this Opinion Piece, 420 LGBTQIA+ people stand together and speak out against Danish Rainbow Council's transphobia in our post in the Danish national newspaper Jyllands-Posten.


Written together with my friend Lea Elias Isen. We collected 420 signatures from fellow LGBTQIA+ people.

"Nej, Dorte Toft, at være kvinde handler ikke om, hvorvidt man menstruerer eller ej"


Politiken · January 14 2021



An opinion piece for the Danish national newspaper Politiken. Advocating for trans rights.






"Jeg er lebbe, jeg er vred, og jeg vil smadre kønnenes klaustrofobiske magt"


Jyllands-Posten · May 11 2018



Opinion Piece for the national Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights.


Fun fact: It was also through this piece that I publicly came out as a lesbian. 






"LGBT+ skal på pensum"


Altinget · 18. juni 2018



Poetisk video-indlæg







"Regeringen truer de studerendes fremtid"


Viborg Stifts Folkeblad · September 2 2016



Letter to the Editor for a local newspaper. Here, I argue against a proposal to decrease state funding for students and for the importance of equality in the education system






"Psykolog til unge"


Viborg Stifts Folkeblad · October 10 2015



Letter to the Editor for a local newspaper.

"Knækker psyken, er du alene"


Viborg Stifts Folkeblad · May 29 2015



Letter to the Editor for a local newspaper. Here, I argued for better access to free psychological counseling.

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